Monday, March 17, 2014

Nerds & Never-ending Stories

Nerd Alert: I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan.  And Narnia fan.  And Doctor Who fan.  And anyone who has ever read or seen any of these, or perhaps any other story, understands the emotional difficulties in saying goodbye (I mean, I hope, because if it's just me then that's odd...).

Allow me to demonstrate:  I have an almost love-hate relationship with my ultimate favorite trilogy, the Lord of the Rings.  Now toss in the Hobbit and you've got a decent set of four books, or six three hour films to keep you going for a while, and even longer if you go for the extended versions and all the other Tolkien offerings.  Every time I watch the movies or read the books I am enthralled again and again by the tales, adventures, morals, and every word constructed into a world of imagination.  Though I have gone through the plot a dozen times, it still has the power to captivate me and open my mind and heart.  The latter part of this most often happens at the end; as the last page is turned or the last scene displayed, I get all teary-eyed and rooted to the spot as I linger over the last tidbits of this adventure.  It's so awfully sad, so depressing that the story ends.  Yet I think I've figured out why.

It goes against the truth.  Whether you know it consciously or not, you existed before your life on this planet, and you will continue to exist far after your mortal death here.  You are an eternal being, extending both into the past and future indefinitely.  You have not a beginning, nor an end, for you will always be. So when these stories seem to drift to a close and your heart yearns for more, recognize the truth that is being testified to you:  Your story never ends, and the eternal adventure must go on.

What will you write into your never-ending story of life today?

Here's a wonderful story of a young man who uses this principle to overcome a trial in his life:

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I'm a Mormon.