Tuesday, November 18, 2014

If You're Happy & You Know It

The title's a bit of a joke; it comes from the KJV of John 13:17 where Jesus Christ says "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them."

Christ is talking about following His example, perhaps particularly of offering humble service, as He had just washed the feet of His twelve apostles who sat with Him for dinner.  However, what I absolutely love about this scripture is Christ's choice of the word "do."

Not "happy are ye if ye know them," or "happy are ye if ye believe them," and not even "happy are ye if ye do them every once in a while."  Happy are we if we continually do as Christ has done.  If we get up and move the bodies we've been given to serve those in need, be they strangers, family, friend, or someone we honestly just do not get along with.

Sometimes it takes a lot to give thoughtful, meaningful, humble service.  It takes courage to speak up and offer something you're not sure will be wanted.  It takes patience to serve someone who does not want to be served or is ungrateful for your service.  It takes charity and effort to be genuine in your deeds of kindness.  And heck, it takes a lot of time.

But you get so much more than you put in!  "Happy are ye..."!  By getting out of our personal bubble and catering to someone else's needs, our emotional tanks are refueled with happiness and love and a perspective that allows us to be strong through our own tough times and downs.

I'm straight up challenging each of you to find someone to serve this week.  If you want, take careful time to think about someone in need and what you can meaningfully bring to their life.  Or, just keep service in mind, and when you run into a stranger in distress take that courage to reach out.  I can promise you that the Savior's words are true: that when we serve others as He served, we can bring happiness into our lives and others'.

It's a win-win-win for us, them, and God.

How will you serve this week?
I'm a Mormon.