Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Light Light

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Good heavens.  What a week past, what a day present, what a semester ahead.

I am so tired.  I am so weighed down.  I am so defeated.

Over the weekend, while listening to M. Russell Ballard speak of waves, words describing my current feelings came to mind:



When Jesus Christ invites all to come unto Him, He promises rest.
Yet from the storms of insecurity, schedules, to-do lists, stress, sin, and life He does not promise a ship impenetrable to the winds, rain, and waves.

Instead He promises a light burden.

Thinking of the many changes in my life that I have made in order to follow Jesus Christ more closely and faithfully, I realize those changes have not been easy.  In fact, I wouldn't say they have been light at all.
But they certainly, one hundred percent, definitely have brought light.

"...my burden is light."

Following Jesus Christ does not mean a life without storms, a ship without waves, a burden without weight; it means meaning, purpose, direction, and ultimately eternal happiness, through all of that.

It means that when I am soaked by the rain I can look up and know I have a Redeemer who has suffered for both my spiritual mistakes and my stressful academic life in order to know how to help me.

It means that when I am tossed overboard I can swim and know I have a specific path to follow that will help me be closer to Him and happiness.

It means that when I am sinking, and it seems like the darkness of the depths of the sea has engulfed me, I can hold onto the light that He is, and know that I am not alone.

Take up His yoke.  Trade your burden for His.

Come, follow Jesus Christ.

I'm a Mormon.