Thursday, January 30, 2014

Would Have Been

Today is Thursday.
Today is January 30th, 2014.
Today is the day I would have entered the Argentina MTC en route to the Uruguay Montevideo Mission for an eighteen-month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

But here I am.

A few months ago I made a post about how I made my decision to stay at Brigham Young University and serve the Lord in other capacities instead of serving an LDS full time mission at this time.  In just the short amount of time I have made that decision and stuck to it, I have learned a great deal about my relationship with God.  I have been able to serve His children, my peers, in a fuller capacity than before.  I have learned that all I have comes from my Heavenly Father, so keenly aware of my needs and tribulations each and every hour.  Perhaps most importantly I have learned that this is where I need to be at this time.

Tonight was also Poetry Night for me, my roommates, and others we invited into our home to share in some fun.  Some may say by coincidence, but I disagree, that Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken was one of the first poems we shared.  All of today I have thought about today's date, and how if I had taken the other path before me I would be on another continent right now, prepared for a very different sort of adventure.  This poem hit home, as I pondered the many forks in the road that we may encounter, and how I took the one less traveled by in the plans of my life.  If I could only choose one principle which I have taken from this turn of events, it would be to trust God with all of my heart, always willing, and never doubting.

And that has made all the difference.

1 comment:

  1. Ally, I hope you don't mind that I read this. Wow! It's so beautifully written. I actually thought of you that day because I had put your departure on my calendar from when you opened your call. I'm very impressed with your strong and humble conviction to follow promptings. Thank you for sharing your testimony. You're doing what you're supposed to right now. Keep enjoying life with all of your love and talents. You have a positive outlook that will inspire many.


I'm a Mormon.